
Cards (31)

  • political influences on parliment
    tory party get brexit done
    labour manifesto - bring rights home
  • media influences on parliment
    sarahs law - killed by paedophile
    firearms act - dunblane massacre
  • lobbysist influence on parliment
    marcus rashford - letter sent to bojo about free school meals
  • pressure groups on parliment
    extinction rebellion
    league against cruel sports
  • law commission influences on parliment
    6 acts about workhouses repealed
    reform of non-fatal offences in 1993
  • public bills examples
    whitehaven harbor act
  • private members bills
    abortion act
    marraige act
  • law commission became law
    computer missues act
    family law act
  • affirmative resolution
    needed for a new police codes of practise
  • by laws example

    dog poo fines
    lanchester gov bannign drinking in towncentre during commonwealth
  • statutory instruments

    dangerous dogs act
  • orders in council
    missue of drugs act
    emmergency powers act
  • substantiative ultra vires

    r(ann summers) V job centre
  • procedural ultra vires
    aylesbury mushrooms
  • wednesbury unreasonablness
    r v exparte
    r(rodgers)v swindon nhs
  • law making reform whole area of law

    fraud act
  • creation of mischief rule
    heydons case
  • mischief rule 

    smith v hughes (prosititutes)
    royal college of nursing v DHSS (abortions)
  • purpose approach
    r v registar exparte smith (murder wanted to find birth mum)
    r(quintavalle) V human fertilisation
  • golden rule broad
    adler v george (vicinity of prohibited place)
  • literal rule example
    dpp v cheeseman (public exposure)
    fisher v bell (flick knives - to display or sell) whitley v chappel (impersonating a dead person) LNER v berriman (maintainign railway not reparing)
  • golden rule narrow
    r v allen (marraige defintion legal or just wedding ceremony)
  • literal rule supporting judge
    vicount dilhorne - if language is clear and explicit must give effect to it
  • literal rule against
    professor zander - literal rule is irresponsible and assumed unattainable perfection in draftsmenship
  • extrinsic aids
    academic books
    dissenting judges
  • intrinsic aids
    interpretation section
  • court of appeal civil exception

    young v bristl aeroplanes
  • overrulign example
    pepper v hart overruled davis v johnson (use of hansard)
  • distinguishing example
    balfour v balfour ( creating a maintenace agreement - not actually contractual just domestic agreement)
  • per incuriam
    williams v fawcett -misunderstanding with rules of county court
  • law commission act 2009
    purpose improve rate that lc immplemented ideas