Cards (7)

  • Introduction
    •Main context
    •Must not contain exhaustive literature review
    •Discusses 4 relevant ideas: (T-I-O-C)
    •What are the latest trends about the topic
    •Discussion of problem in general and the specific situations. (macro to micro approach)
    •Concepts and ideas related to the problem including clarification of important terminologies.
    •Discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be in the future.
    •What are the issues that transcended within the topic?•Consists of factors that led the investigator to launch the study.
    •Antecedents of the study can be included as well as the reasons why it is relative to previous studies.
    •BLANK SPOT – with minimal or no literature to address a specific problem or inquiry.
    •BLIND SPOT – with available literature but with contradicting results or conclusion.
    •What do the researchers intend to do to address the concern? •Must be S-M-A-R-T.
    •Statement of a long-term objective expected to be achieved by the study.
    •It is usually prefixed by this introductory phrase:
    •  “The main objective of this study is to…”
  • S-M-A-R-T:
    •What benefit will the study offer to the current theories, practices, and future researchers?
    •Determine WHO will benefit out of the findings of the study and HOW they will benefit from it.
    •Usual beneficiaries of a research:
    •Experts concerned about the problem
    •Administrators who make decisions or implement programs
    oThe subjects themselves oFuture researchers
    oThose who are directly and indirectly affected by the problem.
    oField of specialization or discipline that will gain contribution of knowledge.
    oSpecific sectors who will also benefit from the study.