Cards (20)

  • (Reconnaissance)This is the process of reviewing several studies and literature which were written by local and foreign authors containing valuable information the researchers need as they undertake the study.
  • Types of Literature Sources:
    1.Research (1st priority)
    2.Conceptual (2nd priority)
  • Purposes/Functions of Literature Review
    •To provide justification of the study;
    To identify gaps, problems, and needs of related studies;
    •To provide rationale of the study as well as the reasons of conducting the study;
    •To have basis that will be used to support findings of the study.
  • 3 Kinds of Literature Review
    1.RESEARCH LITERATURE- these are empirically-based, like scientific paper, theses, and dissertations, both published and unpublished, coming from local and foreign sources.
    2. CONCEPTUAL LITERATURE- it contains  foreign and/or local literature coming from books relevant to the study, but are data-free or non-empirical material.
    3. GRAY LITERATURE- from other sources such as magazines, newspapers, flyers, and other forms of material.
  • Characteristics of Materials to be Cited
    •The review material must be current, at least 10 years back
    •Materials must be as objective and unbiased as possible.
    •Materials must be relevant to the study.
    Coherence principle must be observed in writing literature review.
  • Citations/References
    •Acknowledgement of the authors and/or sources of the article, journal, or any literature that was reviewed
    •Referencing is a method used to demonstrate to the readers that you have conducted a thorough and appropriate literature search and reading.
  • CITATION STYLE- predefined styles stating how to properly cite or give credit to the sources of your literature.
      Statement_(Authors, year)
  • •Works by single author:–If the citation is NOT at the end of the text, include the surname of the author followed by the year (in parenthesis) when the work was published.
  • –If the citation is at the end of the text, include the author’s surname and the year the work was published in one parenthesis.
  • •Works by multiple authors:–When a work has two authors, always cite both names EVERY TIME the reference occurs in the text.–In a narrative  text, join the names of the two authors with the word “and”.
  • –In parenthetical material, join the names with an ampersand (&).
  • •Works by multiple authors:–When a work has more than two authors, cite all the authors the first time the reference occurs.
  • •Works by multiple authors:–When the citation is made the second or third time, you can include the surname of the first author followed by “et.al”
  • •IN-TEXT CITATION- used when directly quoting or paraphrasing a source.
  • –DIRECT QUOTATION – use quotation marks around the quote and include page numbers .
  • –INDIRECT QUOTATION – no quotation marks.
  • Bibliography
    •A list of all the sources of articles, studies, and journals utilized in the study. •Each citation found anywhere on the research should also be found on the list of references. •Must follow the APA format.