Year 1 Microeconomics
Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention
Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
Created by
Ricky £
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Subdecks (7)
Intervention 5 -Regulation
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
5 cards
Intervention 4 - State Provision
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
3 cards
Intervention 3 – Price Controls-Minimum and Maximum Price
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
13 cards
Intervention 2 – Subsidies
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
12 cards
Intervention 1 – Taxation
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
23 cards
Governments influence the allocation of resources
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
1 card
What is Government Intervention?
Year 1 Microeconomics > Market Mechanism, Market Failure and government intervention > Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
3 cards