Week 5

Cards (21)

  • a strategy is dominating if it generates higher payoffs regardless of the opponents strategy
  • a strictly dominating strategy means that the strategy is better for both decisions
  • a weakly dominating strategy means that the strategy is better or equal for all the other players decisions
  • perfect competition means that firms maximise profit subject to technology and market prices
  • an oligopoly has only a few big firms that govern the whole market
  • an oligopoly can alter their strategy to decide how much to bring to the market
  • Game theory is used to understand the outcomes of oligopoly markets and markets that are not perfectly competitive
  • game theory is a mathematical model used to study conflict and cooperation between intelligent and rational decision makers
  • game theory shows interactive decision theory; where more than one individual is making decisions
  • decision makers are intelligent, so can compute outcomes of decisions
  • decision makers are rational, so they compare and make their decision to best satisfy their own objective
  • the Game Theory 'model' makes a real situation a game
  • in game theory, players make choices (strategies)
  • in game theory, payoffs from outcomes come from the strategies
  • Nash Equilibrium follows 'best response equilibrium'; what is one players best strategy if the other player plays a specific strategy
  • Nash equilibrium is found at the best response against the best response of two players
  • Nash equilibrium is when everyone is doing the right thing, given others are also doing the right thing
  • Nash equilibrium is when no player can benefit from deviating if no-one else deviates as well
  • sequential game theory involves players moving 1 by 1, and being able to respond to other players decisions
  • in normal form game theory, choices are made without the other players knowing their decisions
  • simultaneous (normal form) game theory involves using sealed bids or prices being set for a time period, where other players cannot change their decision based on other players decisions