Chronic inflammation and activation of the immune system in the artery wall, deposition of lipids in the artery wall, development of fibrous atheromatous plaques
TOM TIP: 'Consider risk factors when taking a history from someone with suspected atherosclerotic disease. Ask about exercise, diet, past medical history, family history, occupation, smoking, alcohol intake, and medications'
A combination of atheromas (fatty deposits in the artery walls) and sclerosis (hardening or stiffening of the blood vessel walls) affecting medium and large arteries
Stiffening of artery walls leading to hypertension and strain on the heart, stenosis leading to reduced blood flow, plaque rupture creating a thrombus that can block a distal vessel and cause ischaemia
Homozygous means both copies of the gene are abnormal, causing extremely high cholesterol (over 13 mmol/L) and almost guaranteed early cardiovascular disease
Patients are offered dual antiplatelet treatment initially with Aspirin 75mg daily (continued indefinitely) and Clopidogrel or Ticagrelor (generally for 12 months before stopping)