What it is

Cards (17)

  • What type of disorder is depression?
    a mood disorder
  • What is depression?
    A mood disorder characterised by feelings of hopelessness and despondency
  • what is despondency ?

  • what % of people will suffer with depression?
  • Who is more likely to suffer with depression?
    women- twice as likely as men
  • Give one behavioural characteristic of depression in detail?

    Reduced levels of activity or sometimes the other extreme - psychomotor activity , always agitated
  • give one emotional characteristic of depression?
    low self-esteem - self loathing
  • When are females vulnerable to depression?
    in mid to late adolescene
  • why are females vulnerable to depression in mid to late adolescence?
    • high risk of body dissatisfaction
    • Low self-esteem
    • resistance to achieving
  • when can depression occur?

    In cycles, symptoms go away and come back, with episodes happening between 2-6 months
  • What is the suicide rate between depressants like?
    HIGH - 10% of severely depressed people commit suicide
  • What has happened to rates of recorded depression?

    increased steadily over last 90 years
  • What are the two main types of depression?
    Major depressive disorder (MDD)
    Bipolar/manic depression
  • what is MDD?
    Major depressive disorder
  • what is major depressive disorder characterised by?
    normal moods followed by a mood change to depression. Can be severe but is often short term
  • what is bipolar/manic depression characterised by?

    mood swings between two extremes; from the depths of depression to heightened elation or mania
  • which is the more common depressive disorder- MDD or bipolar/manic depression?
