How can other people, groups, cultures and societies influence our behaviour?
Crowdbehaviour: the emotions of the individuals within the group spread (social contagion)
Our culture can affect our response to individuals, groups or those who we believe have authority over us or our beliefs about perceived attractiveness
Social Influence is when an individual's behaviour, attitudesand emotions are affected by those of others; the power of the social situation can be very influential; rejecting the demands of authority is called dissent
Obedience: form of social influence that involves allowing oneself to be directed by real or imagined demands from someone perceived to have authority
Conformity: we adopt the attitudes and behaviours of those around us without an order from an authorityfigure
Compliance: going along with suggestions/instructions without a direct order
Obedience studies examine why people follow abhorrent orders, gaining momentum after the Holocaust, MyLai massacre, and religious cults (destructive obedience)