Sc2b- Filtration and crystallisation

Cards (23)

  • Mixtures that can be separated by filtration
    • Crystals and a solution after crystallisation
    • Water from sea water
  • Mixtures that can be separated by crystallisation
    • Sodium chloride from salt solution
    • Copper sulphate and water
  • What is a solvent?
    The liquid in which a solute dissolves
  • What is a solute?
    The substance that dissolves in a liquid to form a solution
  • What is the solution?
    The mixture formed when a solute has dissolved in a solvent
  • What is insoluble?
    Describes a substance that will not dissolve
  • What is filtration?
    Technique that seperates substances that are insoluble in a solvent from those that are soluble using a filter
  • What is crystallisation?
    A technique of heating a solution to evaporate the solvent, leaving the solutes behind. The solutes then become crystals
  • What are the steps of crystallisation?
    1. The solution is heated to remove enough solvent to produce a saturated solution
    2. The saturated solute is allowed to cool
    3. Crystals form in the solution
    4. The crystals are separated from the liquid and dried.
  • What is a saturated solution?
    A solution where no more solute can be held
  • What gives more control when heating?
    A hot water bath allows more precise control
  • Crystallisation equipment
    Gauze, evaporating bath, tripod
  • What is solubility?
    The mass of solute that dissolves in a given a volume of solvent at a given temperature.
  • Why does crystallisation work?
    The solubility of the solute decreases as the saturated solution cools
    • crystals form from the excess solute
  • Ways to remember:
  • Filtration equipment
  • What are the reasons for filtration?
    -Purify a solution by removing solid impurities
    -Seperate the solid you want from the liquid it is mixed with
  • Why does filtration work?
    Because the filter paper has tiny pores that are large enough for water/ dissolved substances but are too small for insoluble solids
  • Explain how mixtures are seperates by filtration
    -solvent and solutes pass through fine holes in the filter paper to form filtrate
    -Bits of insoluble substances cannot fit through the holes so they leave a residue in the filter paper
  • Risks of crystallisation and how to reduce them
    -Risks of spitting —> reduced by wearing eye protection, evaporating bain gently with steam or removing the bunsen burner before the solution is completely dry
    -Risks of solvent being hazardous —> Handle with care, or allow for a free flow of air
  • What is thermal decomposition?
    Solids that can be broken down into something else using heat
  • What is the disadvantage of evaporation?
    Solids can decompose when it is heated (thermal decomposition)
  • Crystallisation is used to prevent thermal decomposition