Cards (6)

  • "The instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence" (1,3)

    - "instruments" - metaphor - presents the witches as subhuman by depicting them as 'instruments' - inanimate objects -- adds to the supernatural atmosphere around the witches as their difference from mortals is made clear.
    - "darkness" - connotations of evil - and associations with the devil
    - "trifles" - if being made king is considered a "trifle", it makes us question what the "deepest consequence[s]" could be and shows the enormity of threat that the witches pose

    - witches
    - Banquo
    - appearance vs reality
    - deception
    - supernatural
    - betrayal
  • "As sparrows, eagles; or the hare, lion" (said by a soldier)

    - Banquo is described by a soldier as incredibly brave in battle. He is no more frightened of the enemy than Eagles would be of a sparrow. His portrayal is one of a fearless warrior.
    - this imagery compares him to noble, courageous, beasts, signalling to the audience that Banquo is a man of honour, and valour.
  • "Look how our partner's rapt" (1,3)
    Etymologically the lexical choice of "Rapt" comes from the Latin word "raptus" which means to be seized or kidnapped.
    - with reference to the play, if Macbeth is "rapt" , then he's been "seized" by something outside of his control - the supernatural, or he is seized by his own ambition.
  • "I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters"

    Banquo admits here that he is troubled by the witches' prophecies. He is being honest and open about the fact that he seems to be growing more superstitious. It appears he wishes to discuss their experience with the witches further.
  • "Merciful powers,/ Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature/ Gives way to in repose."

    2.1 Banquo - Angels of mercy, help me to control the evil thoughts that fill my mind whenever I lay down to rest.
    - banquo also cannot sleep - tormented by the possibilities of what Macbeth might do.
    - seems to be valid king traits
  • "Thou hast it now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all,
    As the weird women promised, and I fear
    Thou play'dst most foully for't."

    - banquo loyal to rightful king (Duncan) (Divine right of kings)
    - recognises M's rapid rise to glory and shows Banquo as honourable - juxtaposes M's treachery