The assumption that there are two genders associated with the two biological sexes
Sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex
Attraction to members of the same sex
A person whose physical characteristics fall outside the boundaries of the male and female dualism
A term used in place of intersex, referring to the physical sex characteristics that fall outside the boundaries of the male and female dualism
A term used in place of intersex, referring to the physical sex characteristics that fall outside of the boundaries of the male and female dualism
Two spirit
In indigenous cultures, individuals who have both male and female spirits
Individuals whose genders identity correspond to that of another sex than identified at birth
Individuals whose gender corresponds to their birth sex
Traditional masculinity in an extreme and exaggerated form
Cultures where traditional masculinity must be protected from disrespect and male dominance over women is emphasized
Sexual attraction to both male and females
Sexual attraction to people along the full spectrum of sex, gender, and sexualities
Low/absent sexual attraction or desire for sexual activities
The view that heterosexuality is the expected sexual orentation
Stereotype threat
Individuals become so anxious about conforming a stereotype about their social group, their performance suffers
Glass ceiling
Intangible barriers that prevent women from attaining positions of authority or leadership
Glass escalator
Intangible factors that enable men to attain positions of authority or leadership
The way that our individual array of multiple identities combines to create a distinctive whole
Intersecting systems of oppression in society, such
as those based on sex, gender, race, or social class.
Gender non conforming
Individuals whose gender identity or expressionfalls outside elite, dualistic discourses, and is also known as gendervariant, gender creative, gender non-binary, or gender fluid
The behavioural, cultural, or psychological traits associatedwith a particular sex, within a certain culture, at a given point inhistory