Disintegrative - punishment that isolates the individual promoting labelling + it's effects (eg. Stigma, shaming, exclusion)
Reintergrative - punishes the individual in a way that strengthens the bonds with society + only labels the act (done a bad thing, is not a bad person)
Eval of neomarxism :
Burke - neomarxism is too general to explain crime and too idealistic to tackle crime
Snider (Marxist) (law making) :
The capitalist state is reluctant to ss laws that regulate the activities of businesses/threaten their profitability
Taylor et al (neo Marxist) :
Criticise Marxists for economic determinism
NM see crime as meaningful action + conscious choice by actor
Argue crime often has political motive (eg. Redistribute wealth from rich to poor)
Criminal not passive puppets, whose behaviour is shaped by capitalism
They're deliberately striving to change society
Pearce (Marxist) (ideological functions of law) :
Law gives capitalism a caring face + creates a false consciousness among workers
Eg - workplace + health and safety laws
However benefits ruling classes as workers stay fit for work
Reiman (Marxist) (selective enforcement) :
Ruling classes more likely to commit crime but less likely to have offence treated as criminal offence
Due to selective bias within CJS
Hirschi (F) (Bonds of attachment) :
Focuses on why people don't commit crimes
Identifies 4 bonds of attachment that keep people linked to value consensus = social control
Attachment - care what close family think
Commitment - the risks of losing a job
Involvement - how involved in society are we hobbies + jobs take up time for commiting crime
Belief - moral code : abiding by law = right thing
Miller (F) (Focal concerns) :
Suggests wc boys socialised into no. of distinct values that together meant they were more likely to engage in delinquent /deviant behaviour
= focal concerns
Excitement, toughness, smartness, trouble, fate(future already decided) , autonomy (wish to be independent + not rely on others)
Merton (F) (strain theory) :
social deviance = result of the interaction between individual +social system
American dream leads to crime (illegitimate means of obtaining)
Conformity - achieve goals of society + have opportunity to do so
Innovation - want to achieve goals but turn to illegitimate means
Ritualism - given up on achieving goals + carry on with lives (dead-end jobs)
Retreatism - reject both goals + means
Rebellion - form own goals + means to create a new society
Durkheim (F) (inevitability of crime) :
Crime = normal + integral part of all healthy societies
2 reasons why crime +deviance found:
Not everyone effectively socialised
Too many aspects of diversity in complex modern day society - creating subcultures that are seen as deviant to some
Erikson (F) -
Due to positive functions of crime - police are designed to create + maintain crime
Rather than stop it
Durkheim (positive crime) :
Boundary maintenance - crime produces a reaction = strengthens norms and values through punishment
Adaption + change - for norms + values to exist in society, deviant acts must occur