As a reader or a writer, you inevitably get involved with texts.
Understanding the nature of text is essential part of learning how to read and write effectively.
Using an outline can help in organizing a text.
With an outline, you can easily arrange your ideas in a hierarchy.
With an outline, your readers can also clearly differentiate the general idea from the specific or subordinating ideas.
It is the unifying element of good writing.
It is affected by a writer’s choice of words, which in turn, determines his or her voice.
Writers of literary pieces, on the other hand, use less formal but more creative writing style
Conventions of writing including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, numerals, abbreviations, acronyms, and contractions
Proper Mechanics
Connection of ideas at the sentence level or the grammatical aspects of writing.
Questions to ask before writing
What do I want to write about?
Why should I write about it?
What do I want to achieve in writing it?
Acceptable writing style including word choice, sentence structure, and paragraph structure for a particular form of a text.
Appropriate Language Use
A group of ideas put together to convey one main point or central idea to the reader.
Attitude of the writer towards their work.
Refers to the arrangement of ideas in a text.
An expression of ideas using spoken and written language in a social context.
Unity of ideas, sentences, and paragraphs in a text.
Level of formality of the personality that the writer is trying to assume in writing a text.
2 Types of Voice
Academic / Professional (Formal)
Personal (Informal)
3 Tones of Formal Voice
2 Tones of Informal Voice
Conversational (e.g. friendly, satirical)
Words in Formal Voice
Few personal pronouns
Without contractions
Technical terms
the use of nouns from verbs
Words in Informal Voice
First-person pronouns
With contractions
Familiar expressions
These are connected discourses or as a large unit of a written language that expresses or imparts one central idea, rather than a mere collection of words, phrases, and sentences.
When you understand that text is a connected discourse, you become conscious that sentences in your writing must relate to one another.
Having the awareness about it, it will encourage you to observe and apply the properties of well-written text, for you to be able to have an organized, coherent write-up with appropriate language use and proper mechanics.