ARTS: Arts of Neo-Classical Period

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  • In decorative and visual arts, the Western trend that became popular from 1780 to 1840 was called Neoclassicism.
    • It also refers to literature, theater, music and architecture which were inspired by Ancient Greece and Rome’s classical art and culture.
    • This is also known as the Age of Enlightenment
    Neo-Classical Period
  • He was an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style and considered to be the pre-eminent painter of the era.
    Jacques-Louis David
    • He was a pupil of Jacques-Louis David. He was influenced by Italian Renaissance painters and his mentor, Jacques-Louis David.
    • His paintings were usually nudes, portraits, and mythological themes.
    Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
  • He was a prolific Italian artist and sculptor who became famous for his marble sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh.
    Antonio Canova
  • He was the first international acclaimed Danish artist. He executed sculptures of mythological and religious themes characters.
    Bertel Thorvaldsen
  • building design was based on an ancient temple.
  • buildings were based on Andrea Palladio’s style of villa construction. Some of the building feature a balustrade which is a railing with vertical supports along the edge of the roof.
  • He was known as the Palladian architect of the Neoclassical who designed two well-known American civic buildings- the White House and the United States capitol. He had also designated many country houses.
    Robert Adam
  • The building features a rectangular or square plan, with a flat roof and an exterior rich in classical detail. The exterior features a repeated classical patterns or series of arches and/or columns. The overall impression of such a building was huge, classically decorated rectangular block.
  • Henri Labrouste - His masterpiece is the Library of Sainte-Genevieve.
  • Charles Garnier – he designed the most classical block of all which is the Palais garnier (a Neobaroque opera house).
  • He was the first French master and the leader of the French realistic school. His masterpieces were energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored, and tightly composed.
    Jean Louis Theodore Gericault
  • He was considered the greatest French Romantic painters of all. He achieved brilliant visual effects using small, adjacent strokes of contrasting color. He was the most influential to most of Romantic painters and eventually his techniques was adapted and extended by the Impressionist artist.
    Eugene Delacroix
  • He was best known for his social art which aimed to inspire and capture the interest of a broad public. He rejected the classical repose of the late 18th and early 19th-century French sculpture in favour of a dynamic, emotional style and created many monuments that stirred the public for Generation.
    Francois Rude
  • He was the most famous animal sculptor of all time. He studied the anatomy of his subjects by sketching resident of the Paris zoo.
    Antoine-Louis Barye
  • ROMANTIC PAINTING- Landscape painting.