Marker of kidneydamage, higher levels increase risk of CKDprogression & cardiovascularevents, measured using urinalysis (uPCR, uACR preferred for CKD assessment)
CKD management aims
Treat underlying conditions like hypertension and diabetes
Reduce risk of CKD progression with ACE inhibitors and SGLT-2 inhibitors
Reduce cardiovascular risk with lipid-lowering therapy
CKD is expected to become the 5th leading cause of mortality by 2040 worldwide
Blood pressure control targets are recommended for non-diabetics based on uACR levels
Increasing age and the rising incidence of diabetes and hypertension are driving CKD cases
Hypertension and CKD
High blood pressure leads to scarred and narrowing of renal blood vessels, activation of Renin Aldosterone Angiotensin System (RAAS), and vasoconstriction
KFRE (Kidney Failure Risk Equation) individualises a patient's risk of needing dialysis or a kidney transplant
1st line agent for blood pressure control is ACEi/ARB (Ramipril/Losa)
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive, irreversible decline in kidney function
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) definition
Reduction of eGFR to <60ml/min (at least 3 months) and/or markers of kidney damage present (proteinuria, haematuria, or structural abnormalities)
Patients with CKD have an increased cardiovascular risk profile, including a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease
7.2 million people in the UK have CKD (>10%)
A blood test estimating how well the kidneys are filtering (ml/min), as eGFR drops, kidney function decreases
If 5-year risk is >5%, discussion with a kidney specialist is recommended
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in patients with CKD
1st line agents for non-diabetic patients based on blood pressure targets
<30: ACEi/ARB (Ramipril/Losartan)
30-70: ACEi/ARB (Ramipril/Losartan)
>70: ACEi/ARB (Ramipril/Losartan)
Microalbuminuria is an early marker of kidney damage in DKD
Statins should be offered to all patients with CKD regardless of cholesterol levels, with atorvastatin 20mg OD recommended by NICE Guidance
Diabetes is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease
The general HbA1c target is 7.0% (53mmol/mol) for DKD
Finerenone, a novel MRA, is an add-on therapy in DKD, licensed in stage 3 and 4 diabetic CKD with albuminuria, reducing proteinuria, CKD progression, and risk of CV events
RAAS inhibitors (ACEi/ARB) are renoprotective as they relieve pressure within the glomerulus by causing vasodilation of the efferent arteriole
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Treatment regime for DKD should be individualised based on co-morbidities, but if uACR >3, it should include ACEi/ARB irrespective of blood pressure
If diabetes is uncontrolled, it leads to altered haemodynamics, inflammation, and fibrosis in the kidney resulting in Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD)
SGLT-2 inhibitors inhibit sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 in the kidney, leading to reduced blood glucose levels and renoprotective effects
SGLT-2 inhibitors have a renoprotective effect independent of blood glucose lowering, reducing CKD progression, proteinuria, and cardiovascular risk
A large study comparing lipid-lowering therapy vs placebo in CKD patients showed a significant reduction in cardiovascular events in the treatment arm
Mineral imbalance in CKD
1. Healthy kidney activates Vit D absorbed from sun. Active Vit D increases calcium absorption from gut = Normal calcium level
2. Kidney helps regulate phosphate level in the blood and eliminates any excess = Normal phosphate level
3. Failing kidney cannot activate Vit D so calcium is no longer efficiently absorbed from gut = Low calcium level (Hypocalcemia)
4. Kidney loses ability to eliminate excess phosphate. It accumulates in the blood = High phosphate (Hyperphosphatemia)
Mineral and bone disorder - Vascular
Calcification leading to hardened arteries = heart and vessel disease
Mineral and bone disorder: Symptoms
Early stages – no symptoms
Advanced mineral and bone disorder: Itching, Bone pain, Weak bones that break more easily, Calcification of blood vessels
Mineral and bone disorder treatment needs to be combined with patient
Parathyroid gland detects LOW CALCIUM, LOW VIT D and HIGH PHOSPHATE and releases a hormone parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Mineral and bone disorder
Common complication of CKD
Affects 50-100% of people with CKD stages 3-5
Bone abnormalities are seen in almost all patients on dialysis
Mineral and bone disorder involves
Vitamin D & Calcium
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
Mineral and bone disorder: Diagnosis
1. Blood tests: Calcium, phosphate, vit D and PTH
2. A bone biopsy or a bone density X-ray (DEXA scan) may be needed
3. Abdominal X-ray or an echocardiogram to assess if there is vascular involvement
Mineral imbalance in CKD
1. Healthy kidney PTH increases calcium and Vit D absorption, removes more phosphate = Normal calcium, phosphate, PTH gland switches off
2. Failing kidney Low calcium and vit D levels trigger parathyroid gland to release more PTH = Low calcium, high phosphate, high PTH (PTH gland does not switch off). Hyperparathyroidism