empowering individual decision making

Cards (11)

  • independence is being free from the control of the influence of others
  • extrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activates or behaviors for their external benefits e.g. rewards, prizes etc...
  • intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activity or behaviors for their internal benefits. e.g. personal growth, knowledge etc...
  • autonomy refers to the need to be able to act authentically based on individual choice and intrinsic motivation.
  • competence refers to the need to feel as though you have the skills required to meaningfully carry out behaviors that affect your environment.
  • relatedness refers to the need to feel a sense of attachment connection to and belonging with other people.
  • anti-conformity is adjusting ones thoughts, feelings or behaviors to match those of other, social groups.
  • reactance is a motivation state of distress caused by a desire to regain personal freedom after it being removed by external sources
  • individuation is when an individuals identify to a group are noticeable.
  • social support is in relation to anit-conformity when others hold a similar attitude on perspective to an individual
  • deviant sub groups is groups that hold values and norms that exist outside the dominant social norms in society.