He was a long term supporter of being tough on the causes of crime (e.g. poverty)
but quickly turned once elected to the view of the problem family being the cause of crime – very new right
Blair Years :
Policies – zero tolerance in terms of policing + prisons
Scapegoats – teenage pregnancies, lone mothers, dysfunctional families, work shy + substance abusers which lead to Blair’s solutions of welfare to work policies + cutting benefits
Coalition + Conservatives (2010-2015):
The thatcher legacy of cutting back state + welfare + embracing neo liberalism becomes ever more obvious in recent + current governments
Dangers of welfare state:
This era of cradle to grave support is described as the golden age
Hand in hand with Keynesian management policy – implemented post war – credited with securing full employment
Any shortfall in consumer spending was compensated by government spending
This was discredited in the 1970’s because of the continually rising inflation