
Cards (14)

  • isokinetic - muscle contracts at a constant speed through a full range of motion
  • isometric - muscle contracts against a force but stays in a fixed position
  • isotonic - muscle moves through full range of motion
    • concentric - muscle belly shortens
    • eccentric - muscle belly lengthens
  • contractibility - ability of muscle to shorten and lengthen to create movement
  • elasticity - ability of the muscle to return to its relaxed state
  • excitability - stimulation of muscles by nervous impulses to start contraction
  • extendibility - ability of muscles to improve functioning through exercise/activity
  • ligament - connects bone to bone
  • tendon - connects muscle to bone
  • origin - the end of a muscle fixed to something rigid like a bone
  • insertion - the end of a muscle fixed to a bone that moves
  • agonist (prime) mover - muscle that contracts to cause movement
  • antagonist - muscle that relaxes to allow movement
  • differences between slow and fast twitch fibres
    • slow are red and small, fast are white and large
    • slow high network of capillaries, fast and low network of capillaries
    • slow use aerobic energy system, fast use ATP-CP
    • slow generate low force, fast generate high force