Wernicke's Aphasia- Condition characterized by poor language comprehension and impaired ability to remember the name of objects
Broca's Aphasia-Brain damage that causes impaired language
FOXP2- A gene that produces a multitude of effects, partly on brain development, but also on structures of the jaw and throat that are important for speech
Dyslexia- A specific impairment of reading in someone with adequate vision, adequate motivation, and adequate overall cognitive skills.
MAO Inhibitors- a presynaptic terminal enzyme that metabolizes catecholamines and serotonin into inactive forms.
SNRI- They block reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
Tardive Dyskinesia- involves involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth, or jaw and can include protrusions of the tongue, puffing of the cheeks, puckering of the mouth, and chewing movements.
Confabulation- Patients fill the gaps with guesses
Infant amnesia- The inability of human adults to remember episodic experiences that occurred during the first few years of life (generally 0-3years old)
Infant amnesia- The inability of human adults to remember episodic experiences that occurred during the first few years of life (generally 0-3years old)
Habituation- A decrease in response to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly and accompanied by no change in other stimuli.
Hebbian Synapse- A synapse that increases in effectiveness because of simultaneous activity in the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.
Corpus Callosum- A thick band of nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of the brain
Monism- Belief that the universe consists of only one kind of substance.
Spatial Neglect- A tendency to ignore the left side of the body or the left side of objects.