Metals and non-metals: Chemistry: WJEC: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (15)

  • Metals
    Elements which form positive ions
  • Non-metals
    Elements which do not form positive ions
  • Metals position on periodic table
    on the left hand side
  • Non-metals position on periodic table
    on the right hand side
  • Physical properties of metals
    Shiny, malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity
  • Physical properties of non-metals
    Dull, brittle, insulators of heat and electricty, liquids and gases at room temperature
  • Malleable
    easy to shape or bend
  • Ductile
    Easily stretched into a wire
  • Good conductor of heat
    Allows heat energy to travel through with ease
  • Good conductor of electricity
    Allows electrical current to flow through with ease
  • Brittle
    Easily broken
  • Insulator of heat
    a material that does not allow heat to pass through easily
  • Insulator of electricity
    a material that does not allow electric current to pass through easily
  • pH of metal oxides
  • pH of non-metal oxides