Changing atomic model: Atomic structure and the periodic table: Chemistry: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (13)

  • Ancient greek model of the atom
    Atoms are tiny solid spheres which cannot be divided.
  • JJ Thompson
    Discovered the electron and developed the "plum-pudding" model of the atom
  • plum pudding model of the atom
    atoms are balls of positively charge with negative electrons embedded in it
  • Rutherford, Geiger, and Marsden
    carried out the alpha particle scattering experiment and developed the nuclear model of the atom
  • Alpha particle scattering experiment
    Fired alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil.
  • Conclusions of the alpha particle scattering experiment
    Most of the atom is empty space except for a tiny positive nucleus.
  • Observations of the alpha particle scattering experiment
    Most of the alpha particles went straight through the atom, a few alpha particles bounced back.
  • Nuclear model of the Atom
    Atoms are made of a small positive nucleus orbited by negative electrons.
  • Niels Bohr
    Adapted the nuclear model, by suggesting that electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances.
  • James Chadwick
    Carried out experiments which provided evidence of neutrons.
  • Proton
    A subatomic particle that has a positive charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Neutron
    A subatomic particle that has no charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom.
  • Electron
    A subatomic particle that has a negative charge and orbits the nucleus in shells.