Molecular substances: Bonding structure and the properties of matter: Chemistry: (9:1)

Cards (12)

  • Molecule
    Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds
  • Polymer
    A long molecule consisting of many similar or identical monomers linked together.
  • State of molecular substances at room temperature
    Liquids or gases
  • intermolecular forces

    Forces of attraction between molecules
  • Melting and boiling points of molecular substances
  • Reason for melting and boiling points of molecular substances
    Intermolecular forces are weak.
  • Trends in intermolecular forces
    the larger the molecule the stronger the intermolecular forces.
  • Electrical conductivity of molecular substances
    Low conductivity
  • Reason for electrical conductivity of molecular substances
    Molecules are neutral
  • Covalent bonds
    A shared pair of electrons
  • Intermolecular forces in polymers
    Stronger than for smaller molecules
  • State of polymers are room temperature