Carbon: Bonding structure and the properties of matter: Chemistry: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (16)

  • Number of bonds between atoms in diamond
  • Allotrope
    Different forms of the same element
  • Number of bonds between atoms in graphite
  • Properties of diamond
    Translucent, Hard, High melting point, Does not conduct electricity
  • Uses of diamond
    cutting tools and jewellery
  • Properties of graphite
    Soft, Slippery, good conductor of heat and electricity
  • Reason graphite is soft

    Weak forces between layers which can slide over each other.
  • Reason graphite and graphene conduct electricity
    One spare electron is delocalised and can carry charge through the layerr
  • Graphene
    A single layer of graphite one atom thick.
  • Uses of graphene
    Electronics and composites
  • Composite
    Materials made of two or more different materials, containing a matrix and a reinforcement.
  • Fullerene
    A large cabon molecule with a hollow shape
  • Buckminsterfullerene
    Carbon molecule C60, 60carbon atoms arranged in the form of hollow sphere.
  • Carbon nanotubes
    Tiny, hollow tubes made of carbon atoms with a high length to diameter ratio
  • Properties of carbon nanotubes
    High tensile strength, high electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Uses of carbon nanotubes
    Electronics, strong materials