Evaluating reactions: Quantitive Chemistry: Chemistry: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (12)

  • Theoretical yield
    The maximum amount of product that can be made
  • Actual yield
    The amount of product made by carrying out the reaction
  • Percentage yield equation
    Actual yield/theoretical yield x 100
  • Reasons % yield is less than 100%
    Reversible reaction, product is lost, side reactions
  • Reversible reaction
    A chemical reaction in which the products re-form the original reactants
  • Ways product is lost
    Stuck in the reaction vessel, or by separation from the reaction mixture
  • Side reactions
    Reactions that do not give the desired product of a reaction
  • Definition of atom economy
    A measure of the number of atoms in the starting materials that end up as useful products
  • Formula for atom economy
    Formula mass of desired product/formula mass of all reactants x100
  • 100% atom economy

    All the atoms in the reactant have been turned into useful products
  • Use of percentage yield and atom economy
    To measure the waste and efficiency of a reaction
  • Improve atom economy
    Use a better reaction, sell side products.