Aqueous electrolysis: Chemical Changes: Chemistry: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (12)

  • Ions in water
    H+ and OH-
  • H+ is attracted to
  • Discharge of H+
    2H+ +2e- --> H2
  • OH- is attracted to
  • Discharge of OH-
    4OH- --> O2 + 2H2O + 4e-
  • Discharged at the cathode in solution
    Least reactive element
  • Discharged at the anode in solution
    Halide ions, if present, otherwise OH-
  • Halide ion

    a negative ion formed from a group 7 element
  • Test for hydrogen
    Lit splint produces a squeaky pop
  • Metals discharged in preference to hydrogen
    Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum
  • Test for chlorine
    Bleaches damp litmus paper
  • Test for oxygen
    Relights a glowing splint