split brain

Cards (14)

  • contralateral - two regions in the brain - left controls right
  • speech is left only
  • connection between both sides is the corpus collossum
  • corpus collossum is a thick bundle of nerve fibres - allows quick communication with both sides
  • if we cut corpus collossum - communication would stop between the two hemispheres
  • cutting corpus collosum can prevent epilepsy
  • side effects of cuttting - felt liek two people in one body - sense of loss of control - reduced epileptic symptoms
  • sperry - quasi experiment - split brain study - 11 pateints
  • divided field experiment - asked to cover one eye and watch dot - if shown to left could draw the word
  • gazzaniga - facial recognition on split brain - shown to right can recognise faces
  • sperry con - 11 people - ungeneralisable
  • sperry con - pateints did not all have same level of disconnection between hemispheres
  • sperry con - extraneous varaibles - medication
  • pro sperry - big increase of understanding