Imperialism in Africa: longstanding importation of slaves, and exportation of guns, alcohol, manu goods. Importation of African natural resoucres palm oil + diamonds
later half of 1800s, Euros expanded presence in Africa with military tech
Quinine: A drug used to treat malaria, reduced danger
Steamships assisted trips when horses caught diease and died
Suez Canal: 1869, connects Red Sea to Mediterranean Sea, French managed, worked by corvée Egyptian workers (by tax)
Sierra Leone: 1787, home for freed people from throughout British Empire who had been enslaved
Gold Coast: Ghana, Asante Emp
Berlin Conference: 1884 - 1885; meeting of European Powers to provide an orderly colonization of Africa
Borders of the Berlin Conference divided long unified societies into different colonies and united longtime rivals groups into same colonies
Afrikaners: of European/Dutch descent; Cape Cod
Boer War: British vs. Afrikaners and Africans for land, forcing into refugee camps segregated by race (concentration camps), white camps received activist help, blacks didn't
King Leopold II: owned Congo personally, ruthless system of econ exploitation of Congo Free State profits
Brutal conditions for Congo people: no pay, spouses held captive, etc.
East Indian Co. (EIC): controlled Indian subcontinent after Mughal Empire
Dutch East Indian Co (VOC): monopoly on trade between the Cape of Good Hope S Africa + Java, gov took over 1799 to create Indonesia
Britain leading econ power: colonies provide raw resoucres and its colonies (settler) provided markets for manufactured goods
Euros created spheres of influence in China: exclusive trading rights and access to natural resources
Taiping Rebellion: starving peasants, workers, and miners attempted to overthrow Qing Dynasty, Yellow River changed course, and bubonic plague broke out--> internal problems allowed Euro influence in
Boxers: anti-imperialist group attacked Chinese Christians and Western missionaries encouraged by Emp Cixi to kill foreigners
Boxer Rebellion: more Chinese Christians killed than foreigners, undermined legit
Colonization Society: leaders planned to est. colonies in Latin America
Dutch gov: Dutch East Indies producing cash crops; not rice which farmers needed to survive, reforms failed
British Malaya: end 19th, greatest producer of nat rubber
Siam/Thailand: diplomatic relations, modernizing, industrialization = no imperialism
Britain create penal colonies in Austrailia
Monroe Doctrine: Euro nations should not intervene in the affairs of the countries in the Western Hemisphere