Cards (11)

  • [62] Letter to Pompey flattering him and equating their achievements to strengthen their amicitia
  • [59] Letter to Atticus despairing about the political situation (the triumvirate and consulship of Caesar)
  • [53] letter to Curio to strengthen amicitia
  • [50] Letter to Caelius about his Aedileship and how Cicero will not get him panthers, as well as Cicero's fear for future war
  • [49] Letter to Caesar trying to arrange negotiations and restore Pompey and Caesar's amicitia
  • [49] Letter to Atticus complaining about Pompey's action in the start of the civil war (starting it, running away and being a coward
  • [49] Letter to Atticus on the philosophical question of how to be a good statesmen in crisis
  • [45] Letter to Atticus criticising and being cynical about Caesar's conduct
  • [44] Letter to Atticus after Caesar's assassination and requesting Atticus writes him with any news
  • [43] Letter to Trebonius praising him for his involvement with Caesar's assassination and complaining he didn't also kill Mark Antony
  • [43] Letter to Plancus trying to convince him to stand against Antony and with the Republicans in Gaul