Changes of state

Cards (9)

  • The particle model
    A) Melting
    B) Evaporating
    C) Freezing
    D) Condensing
    E) Solid
    F) Liquid
    G) Gas
  • Evaporating is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas.
  • Melting is the process whereby a solid changes into a liquid.
  • Freezing is the process by which a liquid turns back into a solid.
  • Condensing is the process by which a gas turns back into a liquid.
  • Solid - particles are close together, vibrate but do not move around much.
  • Liquid - particles are closer than in gases but still have some space between them. They can slide past one another.
  • Gas - particles have lots of space between them, move quickly and randomly.
  • Fill the missing words in.
    A) Evaporation
    B) Condensation