The phrase ‘human sexuality’ refers to the way humans express themselves as sexual beings.
Two of the ways human sexuality can be expressed are as heterosexual (attracted to the opposite sex) and as homosexual (attracted to the same sex).
Humans may also be bisexual - attracted to both sexes
Sexual feelings often first start when a child goes through puberty
Sexual feelings can begin to happen at different ages: starting in girls from about 10 to 17 and boys from about 12 to 18
Most Christians believe that part of the relationship between man and woman was designed to be sexual.
Traditionally, the position of all Christian denominations has been that homosexual people should not have sexual intercourse.
Most Christian Churches emphasise that God made human beings male and female to provide support for each other to procreate
The creation of men and women in the book of Genesis, for example, God tells a man to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28)
Genesis says that men and women should be husband and wife and become ‘one flesh’ (Genesis 2:24)
Most Christians believe that part of the relationship between man and woman was designed to be sexual and procreative, meaning that it is desifned for conceive and giving birth to children
Catholic teaching says that this sexual relationship should only take place inside a marriage, between a man and a woman who are committed to each other
For Catholics, sexuality is unitive. This means that it helps to unite the man and woman in a loving bond.
The position of all Christian denominations has traditionally been that homosexual people should not have sexual intercourse.
Christians believe husband and wife should only have sex with the aim of procreation
“Homosexual persons are called to chastity.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2359)
The traditional Islamic perspective has begun to change a little recently
Orthodox Jews believe that sex before marriage is wrong. Sex should only happen in a marriage between man and woman.
Reform and Liberal Jews usually think that a person’s sex life is a thing of personal choice. They are more open to sexual relationships outside of marriage but believe that commitment and love are very important
Traditional Muslims see sex as limited to during marriage between a man and a woman
Traditional Christian teaching stressed that marriage is between a man and woman, that sex should occur only within marriage, and that there is a need to be faithful to the marriage vows.
Traditional Christian Teaching also highlights that men and women are made to be with each other, to express that love sexually and in a special bond, and to procreate (have children).
Pope John Paul II has said that marriage is a sacrament (ceremony) created by God to bless this lifelong commitment to another person and provide a stable family life. (Theology of the Body - Pope John Paul II)
Pope John Paul II said that not all men and women should express their love in sexual union e.g members of religious orders
Clerical celibacy refers to Catholic priests being banned from having sex. Pope Francis (the Pope in 2018) still supports this.
The traditional Catholic perspective argued that sex without the possibility of procreation denied the key point of sexual union.
Some Catholic churches have banned the use of contraception because sex should be for procreation
Many Christians believe that sex should only take place within marriage because the purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate. Therefore, sex before or outside of marriage is forbidden.
Some groups argue for support of more open relationships, where people agree to have sexual relationships with people other than their partners
Almost all of Christians consider open relationships adultery and undermining the stability of relationships.
Traditional Islamic beliefs are that sex can only take place in marriage as part of a loving and committed relationship.
Most Muslims believe that children deserve two parents who are married and they deserve to know who their parents are.
Adultery is a serious sin in Islam.To avoid any sexual activity, men and women should not be alone together.
In some Muslim countries, adultery could result in a death penalty (e.g. in Saudi Arabia)
In practice, it is hard to be convicted of adultery because most countries require good evidence, witnesses and sometimes confessions
In the UK today, sex before marriage is very common. It is no longer seen as wrong by most people.
Open relationships are more common than they were 20 years ago and people value individual choice more
People argue it is important to test the sexual compatibility of two people before they get married
Some people argue that sex is acceptable in a committed and loving realtionship, it should not matter if people are married or not
The legal age of consent for sexual activity in the UK is 16 years old