homeostasis is the regulation of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions for function
the human nervous system enables humens to react to their surroundings and coordinate their behaviour
the human nervous system goes stimulus to receptor to coordinator to effector to reponse
the stimulus is the change in environment
the receptor is what detects a stimulus
effector is what produces a response
a synapse is the hap btween two neurons
hormones are chemical messengers that are scrected by the bloodstream to target cells
reflexes are automatic and rapid
the pituitry gland is the master gland of the endocrine system located in the brain, it secretes several hormones into the blood in response to body conditions
glocose in the blood is monitored and controlled by the pancreas which produces the hormone insulin
if blood glucose levels are too low, the pancreas produces the hormone glucagon that cause glycogen to be converted into glucose
diabetes is a disease where people cannot control their blood glocuse levels
follicle stimulating hormone(fsh) causes an egg to mature in one of the overies
lh stimulates the release of an egg
oestrogen + progesterone involved in maintaining the uterus lining
fsh is produced in the pituitry gland
oestrogen produced in the overies
Lh produced by thr pituitary gland
progesterone produced in the ovaries
ovulation occurs on day 13-15
the pill is an oral contraceptive that inhibits fsh production so that no eggs mature
injection, implant + skin patch progesterone is used to inhibit the maturation and release of the egg
adrenaline is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in times of fear/stress
thyroxine is a hormone released by the thyroid gland stimulates the basal metabolic rate
human gametes= sperm + egg cells
plant gametes= pollen + egg cells
meiosis: a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes and plant spores
meiosis copies the genetic information are made, the cell divides twice twice to form four gametes each with a single set of chromosomes, all gametes are genetically different
gametes join at fertilisation to restore normal amount of chromosomes
asexual reproduction involves only one parent and no fusion of gametes
dna is a polymer a large molecule built from a chain of smaller molecules
a gene is a small section of dna
a genome is an entire set of genetic information in an organism
an allele is a different form of the same gene
dominant is a n allele that is always expressed
recessive is an allele that is only expressed if two copies are present
homozygous have two of the same allele
heterozygous have two different alleles
a genotype is the combonation of allleles that you have