Section one

Cards (19)

  • What is section one
    Arousal and anxiety in sport
  • What are the three theories for arousal and performance
    Drive theory
    inverted U
  • What is the drive theory
    The idea that arousal and performance increase at the same rate
  • What is the inverted U
    Arousal and performance increase up until a certain point in arousal where there is a gradual decline in performance
  • What is catastrophe
    Arousal predicts performance until there is a drop off. Unique to the athlete
  • What is trait anxiety
    When someone is predisposed to perceive situations negatively and as threatening
  • What is state anxiety
    Carry the trait anxiety and is characterised by the emotional state of tension and apprehension
  • What is cognitive anxiety
    Negative expectation
  • What is somatic anxiety
    The physiological symptoms
  • How do we measure anxiety
    SCAT sport competition anxiety test
  • What is the SCAT
    Tests 15 items and there is a score out of 30. the higher the score the more trait anxiety they have
  • What is the key research
    fazey and hardy
  • What did F and H aim to do
    Develop a new catastrophe model based on previous research and criticisms of inverted U
  • What is a monograph
    A very detailed article
  • What did F and H propose
    A model where performance increased with arousal until a critical was reached where it suddenly dropped
  • What is the new model based on
    The view that performance anxiety is a multidimensional construct including cognitive and physiological components
  • What are the results for F and H
    When a person has high cog anxiety any increases in arousal lead to a drop in performance
    as cog anxiety increases performance decreases
  • Conclusions of f and h
    Explains the anxiety performance relationship in sport through the interaction of cog anxiety, physiological arousal and performance
  • What are the two applications
    pre performance routines