Due to Ekman Transport, the upper 100m of the surface ocean moves approx. 90º to the (right / left) in the northern hemisphere and to the (right / left) in the southern
At the Equator winds converge which causes (upwelling / downwelling) of water
If wind blows south along the eastern coast of North America, coastal waters will undergo downwelling
ENSO stands for El Niño Southern Oscillations. It includes Warm and Cool phases (La Niña and El Niño)
Conveyer-Belt Circulation is an integrated model combining surface currents and deep thermohaline circulation. Changes in the global deep-water circulation pattern can dramatically and abruptly affect climate. It takes 1000 years
All waves begin as disturbances. The energy that causes waves to form is called a disturbing force
Internal Waves are associated with pycnocline, larger than surface waves, caused by various factors, and can be a possible hazard for submarines
Mass movement into the ocean and shifts in the ocean floor can generate waves. Tides are due to the gravitational pull of the moon. Human causes include boats causing a wake
Waves transmit energy through cyclic motion of particles in the ocean. The water does not travel in the direction of the wave
Progressive waves oscillate uniformly and progress without breaking
Longitudinal waves compress and decompress as they travel
Transverse waves transmit energy at right angles to the direction of moving particles and generally only transmit through solids
Orbital waves on the ocean surface are a combination of longitudinal and transverse waves
Wave characteristics include crest, trough, wave height, and wave length
Wave steepness, wave period, wave frequency, and wave speed are important orbital wave characteristics
The diameter of orbital motion decreases with the depth of water. Wave base is where there is hardly any motion due to wave activity
Number of wave crests passing a fixed location per unit time
Equal to the inverse of period or 1/T
Wave speed
Wavelength (L) divided by period (T)
Orbital Wave Characteristics
Diameter of orbital motion decreases with depth of water
Wave base = ½ L
Hardly any motion below wave base due to wave activity
Water molecules transmit the wave energy but move in a circle and end up roughly where they started
Circular orbits of an object floating on the surface have a diameter equal to the wave height
Deep Water Waves
Wave base = depth where orbital movement of water particles stops
All wind-generated waves in open ocean are deep water waves
Speed of deep water wave is function on wavelength
The longer the wavelength, the faster the wave travels
Shallow water waves
Water depth (z) is less than 1/20 L
Water feels seafloor so it interferes with the circular orbital motion, causing orbits to become progressively flattened
Speed is a function of depth: The deeper the water, the faster the wave travels
Transitional Waves
Characteristics of both deep- and shallow-water waves
Depth is greater than 1/20 wavelength, but less than ½ wavelength
Wind Generated Waves
Life history of a wind generated wave includes: Origin in a windy region of the ocean
Movement across great expanses of open water without subsequent aid of wind
Termination when it breaks and releases energy, either in the open ocean or against the shore
Factors affecting wave energy: Wind speed
Wind duration – length of time during which the wind blows in one direction
Fetch – distance over which wind blows
Wave heights usually less than 2 meters (6.6 feet)
Breakers called whitecaps form when wave reaches critical steepness
Interference Patterns
Collision of two or more wave systems, interfering with one another
Constructive interference: In-phase waves with about the same wavelengths
Destructive interference: Out-of-phase waves with about the same wavelengths
Mixed interference: Two wave groups with different wavelengths and different wave heights
Surf zone - zone of breaking waves near shore
Water becoming gradually more shallow
When deep water waves encounter shoaling water less than ½ their wavelength
They become transitional waves
As a deep-water wave becomes a shallow-water wave
1. Wave speed decreases
2. Wavelength decreases
3. Wave height increases
4. Wave steepness (height/wavelength) increases
5. When steepness > 1/7, wave breaks
Breakers - Waves break close to shore
Wave Refraction - Waves bend as they approach shore
Wave Reflection - Waves and wave energy bounced back from barrier
Rip Currents - Water finds a corridor to move back out into the ocean
Tsunamis originate from sudden sea floor topography changes
Causes of tsunamis
Underwater landslides
Underwater volcano collapse
Underwater volcanic eruption
Meteorite impact
Tsunamis have long wavelengths (> 200 km or 125 miles)
Tsunamis encompass entire water column, regardless of ocean depth
Tsunamis can pass undetected under boats in open ocean
Sea level can rise up to 40 meters (131 feet) when a tsunami reaches shore