Unit 6

Cards (8)

  • CPU features and enhancements
    • Separate fetch/execute cycles
    • Pipelining
    • Scalar processing
    • Superscalar processing
  • What is pipelining?
    Processing of accumulating instructions from the processor through a pipeline. Stores and executes instructions in an orderly process. Fetches instructions one at a time
  • Problems with early CPU architectures and solutions
    • Added hardware complexity slowed down other instructions
    • Slow data memory access could be reduced by increasing the amount of general purpose registers
    • Fixed format instruction words would allow instructions to be fetched and decoded independently and in parallel
  • Multiple parallel execution units

    Multiple execution units permits simultaneous executions of several instructions
  • Scalar and superscalar processing
    Scalar - Processes only one data item at a time

    Superscalar - It will fetch multiple instructions at once rather than one at a time
  • What is multiprocessing
    The utilization of two or more CPUs in a single computer system

    Two ways of configuring:
    • Master-slave multiprocessing
    • Symmetrical multiprocessing
  • Master-slave multiprocessing
    One processor will act as the master and the rest are the slaves. Whenever a program needs to be executed, the master processor will distribute the processes to the slave processors for execution
  • Symmetrical multiprocessing
    All processors are given equal priority and each processor has their own job, they are independent from each other