Cards (7)

  • Bivalves have no head, and no radula
  • Muscles responsible for closing the 2 valves
    Adductor muscles
  • Oldest part of the shell, area around the hinge
  • Teredinidae are the group of shipworms
    • Have miniscule, diminished shells
    • Can burrow inside roots of rotting mangrove trees
    • Ex. genera: Teredo, Bankia, Pholas
  • Mytilidae are the group of mussels
    • Release byssus or byssal threads to adhere to substrate
    • Very great fouling species
    • Ex. species Pinctada margaritifera
  • Giant clams, or Tridacna gigas, have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae at the openings of their shells
  • Types of Bivalves acc. to Habitat (optional, book):
    1. Soft-Bottom Burrowers
    2. Geoduck, Panopea generosa
    3. Attached Surface Dwellers
    4. Mytilidae
    5. Unattached Surface Dwellers
    6. Pectinidae (scallops)
    7. Limidae (file clams)
    8. Boring Bivalves
    9. Teredinidae (shipworms)
    10. Teredo, Bankia, Pholas