Cards (16)

  • 2 Major Groups:
    1. Nautiloids (Nautilus)
    2. Coeloids (Squid, octopus, cuttlefish)
  • General cephalopod characteristics:
    • Head-foot, tentacles attached to head
    • Active marine predators
    • Use one huge siphon to propel themselves through the water
    • Have tentacle limbs with suckers
    • Secrete nacre (Nautilus)
  • The nautilus has a chambered shell
    • Each chamber is separated by the septa
    • Each chamber is connected to the body by the siphuncle
    • Gases in the chambers can be regulated, regulates buoyancy
  • Nautiloids can have up to 90 tentacles surrounding its mouth
  • Food storage in Nautiloids
  • Nautiloids move shell first, Coleoids move head first
  • Coleoids
    • Very diminished shells (only pen or beak)
    • Very big eyes that can visualize images
    • Ink sac that produces the sepia
  • Degenerate shells in Coleoids:
    • Squids - Pen
    • Cuttlefish - Cuttlebone
    • Octopi - no hardened structure
  • Cephalopod adaptations:
    1. Ink sac
    2. Sophisticated skin pigments
    3. Chromatophores
    4. Iridophores
    5. Leucophores
    6. 3. Advanced nervous systems
  • The mimic octopus (Thaumactopus mimicus) uses leucophores to mimic sea snake coloration
  • The blue-ringed octopus (Hapalochlaena maculosa) has iridophores to warn predators of its toxicity
  • Iridophores create iridescent colors, warning predators
    Leucophores mirror back the colors of the environment, making the animal less conspicuous
  • Appendages in Coleoids:
    1. Squids - 10 appendages, all called arms, modified reproductive arm
    2. Cuttlefish - 10 appendages, 8 heavy arms, 2 larger tentacles
    3. Octopi - 8 appendages, all called arms, no tentacles, no teeth on suckers
  • Arms have suction cups from beginning to end
    Tentacles only have suckers at the end
  • Squids have a modified arm that delivers a package of sperm called the spermatophore to the female's oviduct
  • Members of genus Argonauta lay eggs in delicate egg shells secreted by a modified tentacle