Brain neurochemistry

Cards (9)

  • >Brain neurochemistry is an explanation for nicotine addiction
    > States that a nicotine addiction is formed by repeated activation of reward pathways
  • part 1 -
    > nicotine is inhaled and reaches nicotine receptors in the brain in less then 10 seconds
    > triggers neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to release dopamine
    > travels down a reward pathway called mesolimbic pathway
    > dopamine stimulates D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens - pleasure/ euphoria - motivated person to smoke again starting the addictive behaviour
  • part 2 -
    > dopamine also travels down mesocortical pathway
    > Dopamine stimulates the pre-frontal cortex, making the person pay attention to smoking and everything associated with it, make decision to smoke again
  • Upregulation
    > when a person hasn’t smoked for a period of time, the nicotine receptors become available - withdrawal
    > increase in numbers of nicotine receptors so more nicotine is needed to feel the same effect
  • Downregulation
    > D2 receptors in nucleus accumbens become less sensitive and reduce in number, dont feel the same buzz from smoking - more nicotine needed to feel the same buzz - tolerance
  • AO3 -
    :) RTS McEvoy - dopamine antagonists
    COUNTER sample bias
    :( Biological reductionism
    :) Practical applications
  • Brain neurochem AO3
    :) RTS McEvoy
    > They studied smoking behaviour in people with schizophrenia who were taking a drug (Haloperidol).
    > This drug is a dopamine antagonist by blocking dopamine receptors - lowering the level of dopamine activity in the brain
    > It was found that the people taking the drug showed a significant increase in smoking
    > Therefore, supporting the role of dopamine as an explanation of addiction to nicotine, as the patients sought nicotine to increase their level of dopamine in the brain and experience euphoria.
  • Brain neurochem AO3
    :( Biological reductionism
    > Theory reduces the complex human behaviour of nicotine addiction down to dopamine levels in the brain
    > This neglects a holistic approach, which takes into account how a persons social and cultural context would influence and explain an individuals nicotine addiction
    > Therefore the brain neurochemical explanation may lack validity
  • Brain neurochem AO3
    :) Practical applications
    > Nicotine addiction is caused by dopamine and increased numbers of nicotine receptors has led to the treatment of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
    > This provides the individual with nicotine in a less harmful form (patches) and reduces dosage overtime, thus reducing tolerance and dependence as the individual’s nicotine receptors return to normal levels.
    > Therefore, the brain neurochemistry explanation of nicotine addiction is an important part of applied psychology when helping to treat nicotine addiction in the real world.