Human Nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics including ways of thinking, feeling, and activity which humans tend to have naturally, independent of the influence of culture
In human nature, different philosophers venture out on the nature of the human person and identify its possibility of transcendence (or to go beyond limitations)
Philosophers on Human Nature
Immanuel Kant
Based on Socrates’ followers, he was a rationalist
Socrates believed that the best life and the life most suited to human nature involved reasoning
Socrates studied the question of how a person should best live
Immanuel Kant studied empiricism
Immanuel Kant drew a distinction between physiological accounts of human nature and pragmatic accounts
Immanuel Kant'spragmatic investigation is about what he as a free-acting being makes of himself, or can and should make of himself
ImmanuelKant mentioned inductive and deductive reasoning
Plato was a student of Socrates who completed or extended Socrates' philosophy
Plato's theory assumes an ideal to which we aspire, allowing us to measure our progress as human beings
Plato proposed the three aspects of the soul: appetitive, spiritual, and rational
Plato's aspect of appetitive refers to cravings we have and how we need to eat food to function
Plato's aspect of spiritual talks of inner reflection or your spiritual journey
Plato's aspect of rational is the part of us that thinks, analyzes, looks ahead, rationally weighs options, and tries to gauge what is best and truest
Aristotle said that our spirit builds on our physical body
Aristotle proposed the three classifications of soul: vegetative, sensitive, and rational
Aristotle's vegetative classification refers to the ability to growth and nutrition
Aristotle's sensitive classification refers to the ability of movement and desire
Aristotle's rational classification refers to the ability to reason
Vegetative - plants
Sensitive - animals
Rational - humans
The aspects of the soul talk about how the soul gives commands to the body
The classifications of the soul talk about how the soul teaches us to build the body