The nerve lies anterior to the elbow joint in the cubital fossa, deep to the bicipital aponeurosis
It then enters the forearmbetween the 2heads of pronator teres, runs below the tendinous arch of FDS and then distally betweenFDS and FDP to the wrist
Just above the wrist it becomes superficial, appearing between the tendons of FDS & FCR
It travels under the flexor retinaculum to enter the hand, passing anterior to the long flexor tendons within the carpal tunnel
In the hand the median nerve divides into lateral (recurrent) and medial branches
A) median nerve
Median Nerve:
The nerve lies anterior to the elbow joint in the cubital fossa, deep to the bicipital aponeurosis
It then enters the forearm between the 2 heads of pronator teres, runs below the tendinous arch of FDS and then distally between FDS and FDP to the wrist
Just above the wrist it becomes superficial, appearing between the tendons of FDS & FCR
It travels under the flexor retinaculum to enter the hand, passing anterior to the long flexor tendons within the carpal tunnel
In the hand the median nerve divides into lateral (recurrent) and medial branches