mutation - a natural process that changes the DNA structure of an organism, resulting to new characteristic. changes in genetic code
spontaneous mutation - something went wrong in the process replicating or forming the gametes
inducedmutation - caused by the environment: radiation, chemicals, high temperatures, microbial infections
types of mutation
gene mutation - only a single gene is affected during the replication of DNA
chromosomal mutation - any change in the number or structure of a chromosome
point mutation - an incorrect nucleotide is substituted for the correct nucleotide
example: sickle cell anemia
frameshiftmutation - involves the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in the DNA sequence that changes codons. The shift may produce different amino acids and proteins.
betathalassemia (insertion) - is a blood disorder that reduces the production of hemoglobin.
cysticfibrosis (deletion) - is an inherited disease characterized by the buildup of thick, sticky mucus that can damage many of the body's organs.
genes - basic unit of heredity paired from parents to offspring. Basically, made up of sequences of DNA and found within the chromosomes.
chromosomes - structure found inside the nucleus of a cell, and it is made up of proteins and DNA organized into genes.
deletion - one or more gene is removed.
example: turnersyndrome (loss of 2nd sex chromosome)
inversion - when a segment of genes flips end-to-end on the chromosome, inversion occurs
example: four-ring syndrome
translocation - genes are swapped with another chromosome
example: down syndrome
human karyotype - an individual's complete set of chromosomes
cri du chat - is caused by the deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5