What is the risk assesment for electrolysis required practical?
Gloves because if we touch something then we may get skin irratation, Switching off the apparatus because it may give a electric shock. Goggles to prevent anything going in your eye.
Add about 50cm3 of sodium chloride solution to a beaker. 2. Add the lid and insert electrodes through the holes, making sure the electrodes don’t touch. 3. Attach crocodile leads to the electrode and connect the rods to the DC terminals of a low voltage power supply. 4. Set the power supply to 4V and switch the power supply on. 5. Using the forceps hold the litmus paper near the positive electrode. 6. After a few minutes turn the power supply off and observe the negative electrode. There should be effervescence. 7. Record observations at the electrodes
What is the independent variable for electrolysis require practical?
Concentration of ionic solution
What is the dependent variable for the electrolysis required practical?
Mass change of the electrode over time
What is the control variable for electrolysis require practical?