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  • Articulation is any place where a bone meets another bone/cartilage
  • Anatomy of joint determine stability and mobility
    • more mobility, less stability
    • more stability, less mobility
  • Function classification of joints
    • Synarthrosis = immobile joint
    • Amphiarthrosis = joint with limited mobility
    • diathrosis = freely moveable joint
  • Structural classification of joints
    • Fibrous = bones connected by dense regular connective tissue
    • Cartilaginous = bones joined by cartilage
    • Synovial = articulating bones separated by a fluid-filled cavity, instead of cartilage
  • Fibrous joints
    Suture: synarthrosis, fibrous
    Syndesmosis: amphiarthrosis, fibrous
    Gomohosis: synarthrosis, fibrous
    Synchondrosis: synarthrosis, hyaline cartilage
    symphysis: amphiarthrosis, fibrocartilage
  • What do synovial joints do?
    allows for greater movement and reduce friction