21. Gene expression

Cards (29)

  • How is transcription stimulated
    Transcriptional factors move to the nucleus and bind to the promoter region of DNA. This allows RNA polymerase to bind and transcription is stimulated
  • How does oestrogen stimulate transcription
    Binds to transcriptional factors which changes the shape. Causes the inhibitor molecule to be released and so can then bind to DNA
  • How does interference RNA regulate translation
    Double stranded RNAi becomes singular stranded and associated with nuclease enzyme. This binds to a specific mRNA molecule and cuts it in two so synthesis stops
  • What is a use of interference RNA in scientific research
    Maybe possible to stop a faulty protein from being produced and prevent a condition which is caused by faulty jeans
  • Why are all cells in an organism genetically identical?
  • What are the two features of stem cells?
    They are undifferentiated, but can differentiate into cells
    They can replace themselves
  • What are the four types of stem cell?
  • What are totipotent cells
    Found in embryos
    can produce any type of cell
  • What are pluripotent cells
    Found in embryos
    can become any type of cell apart from placenta cells
  • What are multipotent cells
    Found in tissues of mammals
    can become a limited number of cells
  • What are unipotent cells
    Found in mature mammals
    can only become one type of cell
  • What are induced pluripotent cells
    Pluripotent cells produced from adult body cells. Able to divide to produce new IPS cells
  • What are uses of stem cells
    Used to replace damaged cells like leukemia or burns
  • Ethical arguments for using stem cells
    • move towards reproductive cloning
    • an embryo is just a ball of cells
    • can prevent human suffering
  • Ethical arguments against stem cells
    • embryos have potential for life
    • wrong to use things that can’t give consent
  • What kind of stem cells do plants have
  • What is epigenetics
    Heritable changes in gene function without changes to base sequence of DNA
  • What is a histone
    Protein that DNA is wrapped around
  • What is epigenome
    All the chemical tags that have been added to a persons genome
  • What are the chemical tags on DNA
    Acetyl group or methyl group
  • What is acytylation of histones
    The acetyl group binds to the histone proteins
    causes DNA to loosen around the histone
    makes the promoter region accessible
    transcriptional factors can bind and so gene is turned on
  • Where do the acetyl groups bind
  • Where do methyl groups bind
  • What is methylation
    Opposite of acetylation
  • What are benign tumours
    They don’t spread (not cancer)
  • What are malignant tumours
    Spread (cancer)
  • What two genes play a role in controlling rate of mitosis
    Proto oncogenes
    tumour suppressor genes
  • What do proto oncogenes do
    Stimulate cell division
  • What do tumour suppressor genes do
    Inhibit cell division