Retrieval failure due to absence of cues

Cards (4)

  • Retrieval failure due to absence of cues suggests that forgetting occurs when information is stil in the LTM but cant be accessed due to a lack of cues
  • Context-dependant forgetting
    > forgetting occurs due to a lack of external cues to trigger recall because environment is different at recall to when the information was coded
  • State-dependant forgetting
    > forgetting occurs due to a lack of internal cues to trigger recall because a persons internal physical and / or emotional state is different to when information was coded
  • AO3
    :) RTS CDF Godden and Baddeley - scuba divers
    DISSCUSSION Baddeley said context effects aren't very strong
    :)RTS SDF Goodwin et al
    :( lacks mundane realism
    :) practical applications - context reinstatement