Misleading information

Cards (8)

  • Leading questions
    >A leading question is a question that wrongly implies something about an event or crime such as 'what colour was the youths jacket?'
    > This effects the accuracy of EWT as implied information contaminates the wittness' memory
  • Leading questions research
    >Lab experiment, 45 american students
    > Car crash video
    > Smashed, hit, collided, bumped or contacted
    > guessed higher speed when 'smashed' was used (40.5 mph) compared to 'contacted' (31.8 mph)
  • Leading questions AO3
    :) practical applications - cognitive interview
    :( lacks mundane realism
  • Post event discussion
    > witnesses of a crime discuss their accounts with each other
    1. Memory contamination - alter or distort accounts due to combining misinformation from other witnesses
    2. Memory conformity - witnesses go along with each other to win social approval, memory remains unchanged but recall becomes inaccurate
  • Post event discussion AO3
    :) RTS Skagerberg and Wright - mugging
    :( demand characteristics - lab
  • Anxiety
    > strong emotional and physical state that effects EWT
    > extreme anxiety has been found to negatively affect EWT as witnesses only focus on certain aspects of the event
  • Anxiety research
    > high anxiety 'weapon focus' and low anxiety condition
    > high anxiety - knife covered in blood
    > low anxiety - greasy pen
    > low anxiety condition ppts correctly identified the man leaving the room 49% of the time
    > high anxiety correctly identified the man 33% of the time
  • Anxiety AO3 -
    :) RTS negative effect - Valentine and Mesout - london dungeons
    :( RTC Christianson and Hubinette - bank
    DISCUSSION interviewed months after, relying on recall