This uses uranium atom. When they split lots of heat is produced which is used to boil up water. The steams turns a turbine generating electricity. Radioactive waste can also be processed so it can be used to generate more energy
Surface mining strips away large areas of soil, rock and vegetation so that miners can reach the materials they want. This can permanently scar the land.
What impact does on shore drilling have on the environment
On shore drilling requires land to be stripped of vegetation to make space for the drills and roads to access the site.
Extracting natural gas from underground reserves can cause methane to leak into the atmosphere making the greenhouse affect stronger and leading to global warming.
Climate - Solar power needs large amounts of sunlight to generate energy countries with sunny climates such as Spain can use solar power more effectively than countries with duller climate such as England
Geology - Fossil Fuels are found in sedimentary rocks where impermeable rocks have trapped the oil and gas in the permeable rocks below, countries located on plate boundaries can access these through geo-thermal energy.
Landscape - Wind Turbines are most efficient in areas with a steady and reliable source of wind eg. on high ground or along the coast. HEP needs lots of water to generate energy and steep sided valleys to use as reservoirs.
Give 2 ways that development affects energy consumption.
Developed countries use lots of energy per person because they can afford it. These countries have access to electricity and heating. People buy more things that use energy like cars, fridges and tv's.
Developing Countries use less energy per person as they are less able to afford it. Less energy is available and lifestyles are less dependent on high energy consumption.
Give two economics benefits of exploiting conventional energy reserves in isolated areas.
Countries with oil and gas reserves can save money by reducing energy imports e.g. Peru is exploiting natural gas reserves in the Amazon Rain forest that could save the country billions of dollars.
There are large areas of gas and oil that haven't yet been used, all of which can be used to help meet the rising demand.
These countries can also make money from exploiting energy which can boost their economy
Oil and gas companies can also bring investments and jobs to an area.
Unconventional energy reserves are exploited using expensive methods e.g. hydraulic fracking that needs specialist technology. Extraction takes a lot longer than from conventional reserves
Describe the environmental impacts of extracting energy from tar sands in ecologically sensitive areas.

Surface mining negatively impacts the environment.
Large amounts of space are needed which devastates habitats causing a reduction in the biodiversity of the area as organisms have less space to live and find food.
Processing tar sands creates large amounts of liquid wastes full of harmful chemicals which can pollute water supplies.
Describe two ways that transport can be designed to better conserve energy
Hybrid cars - combine deisel and electric cars to increase efficiency, they use electricity when possible and recharge there batteries using deisel power.
Engine Manufactures are making more efficient engines in response to laws and rising petrol costs.
What is the "business as usual" scenario for future energy use
Everything carries on like normal, we go on getting most of our energy from fossil fuels with oil production and natural gas increasing to meet extra demand. We don't increase the use of renewable energy sources
What is the move to sustainability scenario for future energy use
We reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use and increase our use of renewable energy sources
More countries would adopt renewables and rely on mixed energy supplies in order to reduce CO2 emissions as a way of combating impacts of climate change.
Why might TNC's favour "the business as usual" scenario
Sustainable energy needs more investment than fossil fuels so TNC's will have higher costs and potentially lower gains
TNC's not involved in the fossil fuel industry may also favour business as usual as sustainable energy is more expensive and would increase their energy costs