Elizabethan Era timeline (1558-1603)
America discovered - 1492
York licensing beggars-1515
Beggars punishments - 1531
Henry VIII reformation - 1536-1540
Henry VIII debasing - 1542
John Hawkins enslaving - 1562, 1564
Thomas Harmans book - 1566
Mary exiled to Scotland - 1568
Northern Rebellion - 1569
Ipswich licensing beggars - 1569
Norwich study on poor - 1570
Pope commanding Catholics - 1570
Duke of Norfolk executed - 1572
'Act for setting poor on work' - 1576
Francis drake sails around S America - 1578
Francis drake lands in N America- 1579
The eastan company - 1579
The levant company - 1581
Francis Drake knighted - 1581
Walter Raleigh given control - 1584
John Hawkins knighting - 1588
Walter Raleigh banished - 1592
Essex made privy councillor- 1595
Essex succeeded against Spanish - 1596
Essex argument in meeting - 1598
Essex made Lord Lieutenant - 1599