A state of extreme tension between the Superpowers stopping short of all-out ‘hot’ war. Characterized by mutual hostility and involvement in covert warfare and war by proxy
Marginal utility is the additional utility gained from the consumption of an additional product. Total utility is the sum of marginal utilities for each unit consumed
An economic system of free enterprise where individuals have the right to start a business and make a profit. Prices, production, and distribution are determined by the free market
2. Germany to be divided into FOUR zones (Br, USA, Fr + USSR)
3. Berlin to be divided into four zones
4. War Crimes trials to be held
5. "Allied Declaration on Liberated Europe" - Countries liberated from Nazi control to hold elections to choose what type of govt they wanted, i.e., Democracy
6. USSR to join the war against Japan
7. A commission was appointed to investigate the issue of reparations
8. Agreed that Eastern Europe could be a Soviet "Sphere of Influence"
9. Stalin promised that free elections would take place in Poland
10. Stalin was determined to create a buffer zone to protect the USSR from German aggression