Duck (2007) suggests 3 reasons for relationship breakdown; pre-existingdoom, mechanicalfailure, and suddendeath
Duck (2007) suggests pre-existingdoom is when individuals are incompatible from the start of a relationship
Duck (2007) suggests that mechanicalfailure is when compatiblepeople can no longer function as a couple
Duck (2007) says suddendeath is when a relationshipends due to a catastrophicevent such as cheating
Duck's stages of relationshipbreakdown (2007) intra-psychic, dyadic, social, and gravedressing
Duck (2007) phase 1; intra-psychic - one or both partnersrecognise and consider there are issues in the relationship and plans are made to either confront the other person, save the relationship, or consideralternatives
Duck (2007) phase 2; Dyadic - the couplediscusses their issues to see if there is a way to salvage the relationship
Duck (2007) phase 3 - SocialPhase - the relationshipends and individuals go to their circle of friends to criticise, and blame the other with the aim of seeking reassurance
Duck (2007) phase 4 - gravedressing - aftermath of the relationship in which each individualattempts to saveface and maintain "SocialCredit" (LaGaipa1982) by reframing their own side of the story to be in a more positivelight
Duck (2007) strength; the model has been developed to include a fifthphase of turningattention to futurerelationships using experiencesgained from the lastone showing the model can be developed further increasing its explanatorypower
Duck (2007) strength; realworldapplication as Duck (1997) claims the intra-psychicphase can be used in preventingrelationshipbreakdown by having the individualfocus on the positiveaspects of the relationship
Duck (2007) weakness; Moghaddam (1993) argues relationshipbreakdownsapply more to individualistcultures in which breakdowns are more common than in collectivistcultures that prioritise the needs of the group through arrangedmarriages for example
Duck (2007) weakness; difficult to research as it would have to be carried out post-breakdown meaning it would rely on retrospectivedata in which participants are unlikely to be honest as the gravedressingphase effects are still present making the individuals try to frame their relationship in a positive light creating socialdesirabilitybias