Cards (4)

  • factors affecting food security:
    increasing human population
    changing diets
    climate change - droughts etc
    new pests and pathogens may evolve
    increasing agricultural costs
  • how can we increase food production?
    • maximise photosynthesis (light levels, temperature and water supply control in industrial glasshouses)
    • using fertilisiers
    • removing competition and pests
    • planting varieties of crops that are pest resistant / produce a higher yield
  • intensive farming
    aims to produce the maximum food product yield from the minium area of land. this is achieved by:
    • using fertilisers and pesticides to aid plant growth
    • maximising animal growth rates
    • minimising labour inputs by using machinery
  • organic farming
    uses more natural methods of producing crops / animals
    • avoids use of artificial chemicals
    • yields are smaller
    • products are more expensive